How your agents can use their sphere of influence to grow your business

Successful agents at leading brokerages bring in new and repeat business because they leverage their sphere of influence.

Your sphere of influence or “sphere” are the people in your personal and professional network with whom your opinion carries weight. They might be your next door neighbor or the relative of a former customer. If you build credibility and consistently engage with everyone in your sphere a few times a year — it will rapidly grow.

A mobile app is now the #1 way to grow your sphere in our age of social media and sharing economies.

How can you help your agents get business from their sphere of influence and their app? Share. Share. Share. Apps by nature are social and people love to share the apps of agents they work with, as well as share properties they find in their apps. 90% of home buyers and sellers are using a mobile device to search for their next home, agent or firm. So give your agents a personalized app and have them:

Share their app with 10 sphere of influence contacts every week and have them follow up with them. After a year, those 500+ sphere of influence contacts will share your app with others. Soon thousands of people will have your app in their hands.

Routinely check in with your sphere and ask them who could be interested in searching for homes with your app. Mobile apps are the modern day calling card. They keep your agents memorable and accessible to their sphere at any time.

Your agents’ sphere of influence is ready to listen. Give your agents a personalized app so they can easily stay connected with their sphere and grow your business.