[NEW] Agent Workshop!

Great. You have successfully started to share your app with all new prospects and even your past clients. You’re a pro at reaching out and connecting but you’re just not sure what to do with your app next?

How do you access your clients’ activity?
How do you follow up once you have that information?
How are other top agents presenting themselves as “tech savvy”?
And how do you keep track of it all on a daily basis to get ahead?

These questions are totally normal! We have worked with 100s of firms and one thing we have found is: the top agents don’t just get the latest tech, they build an effective process around it.

Luckily, you are one step ahead by having your own app and now is the time for you to be armed with a process to help you crush the competition. Start now by registering for our NEW FREE live workshop!

We will show you exactly how to answer those looming questions.

During the workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Implement the simple process top agents are using to engage clients and make their app a part of their daily workflow to expand their sphere
  • Dive deep into your Engage Portal and learn strategies for perfectly tailored follow up and property recommendations to save you time
  • Tips to get more app shares to expand your referral network for increased business

The live workshop will be Thursday September 17th at 2pm Eastern  | 11pm Pacific. You can save your seat right here!