Our Mobile Application Routes your Lead Calls Right to Your Office

Raymond Laia with Coldwell Banker Village Realty (http://www.villagegreenrealty.com/) followed up with us to update his special call routing this past week. Their branded mobile application is set up so anyone using their mobile app can connect to a Coldwell Banker Village Green agent if the user hits “Call to See” on one of their own listings.

If the homebuyer wishes to “Call” from their branded mobile app on any other listing, then the routing is based on zip code. For example, if a homebuyer brings up a home for sale in the zip code area 12409, Bearsville, NY, then the lead is routed to their office in Woodstock, NY. In this case, there are 102 zip codes divided among five different offices related to the same geographic area.Branded Real Estate Mobile Application

This is a great tool that any of our partners can establish in addition to the one lead phone number and one lead email that any lead on ANY property listed with the Smarter Agent application is already directed toward. An account manager works with them to obtain their routing information and strategize on the best routing structure to get the lead calls directed to the proper real estate office, so the entire brokerage benefits.

Coldwell Banker Village Green wanted to be sure that leads were going to the correct office or agent even if they add agents or acquire offices.  Our partners have the opportunity to not only set up their initial routing structure, but they may coordinate with their account manager at any time to update their agent roster and discuss what lead phone numbers need revision for each of their locations.

Our realtor partners are required to have one phone number and one email address to direct live calls and property information, but they also have the option to set up one of the special call routing structures as outlined below.

  • Route all calls/emails on company listings to the appropriate listing agent or office and all calls/emails on non-company listings to a single catch-all phone number/email
  • Route all calls/emails on company listings to the appropriate listing agent or office and all non-company listings to the closest office based on zip code
  • Route all calls/emails regardless of listing agent to the closest office based on zip code

Your mobile application allows you to connect with home buyers with powerful marketing tools to drive your lead traffic.  While partners are not required to set up special call routing, Coldwell Banker Village Green recognized the importance of this feature for their business. Special call routing gives each of their agents the opportunity to connect with homebuyers in their community using one commanding real estate mobile app!

~ Michael Mercer, Account Manager